Friday, June 14, 2013

No Limits!

I would love So ever since Molly was born we have seen a whole bunch of other people who have missing arms.  Its like buying a car and then all of a sudden everyone has your car. But while we were at lagoon I sat next to a lady who had a friend with a little boy who had the same missing forarm. She told me he was now 1 and has hit all his milestones. I KNOW Molly will be able to do all the same things other kids can but when I hear about other little babies/kids who are just as advanced it makes me so happy. Last night ReNae, sent me a message about the 2013 Miss Iowa Nichole Kelly. Her platform is overcoming disability. I love it. Check out her story
I would love to contact her somehow just to let her know that she is reaching people that are clear over here in Utah. Who knows maybe Molly will want to be a beauty queen.
The funny thing is my sister Maggie just got to Iowa. Serving a mission for the lds church! How crazy. I'm going to be a Miss Iowa fan when we watch Miss America in September! Yea! Can't wait, it'll be a party!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Official diagnosis

Today we went to primary children's hospital! We are so happy and pleased with our end result!
When we first walked in I was so happy to be there but as we walked down the halls I couldn't help but get emotional. I first thought of my own brother Devan and the times he had been in and out of that hospital, with his heart condition. I remember walking down those halls with out a care in the world! Even tho my brother was going through living with a hole in his heart and shortness of breath, tiredness and lot of social issues because he could't keep up with other kids. I thought about my mom, and how scared she had to of been that her newborn- 3 year old had to go into surgery after surgery not knowing when his heart would be fixed. I thought she must have had lots of love from her mom and dad! And how grateful I was for my grandparents for being there for my mom then and how supportive they have been for me now.Then I thought about how supportive people we do t even know have been to us.

 I kept fighting back the tears and tried to hide my emotions while we watched the fish disappear on the elevator. We walked down to the orthopedic center and lots of places seed familiar from when I was there with my brother. Like the patio full of tables that over looks the city! 

 There were lots of people waiting to see the doctor. Lots of kids in casts. We could hear saws in the back cutting off casts and nurses shouting out names of kids who were nervous and kids who were so happy to be getting off that nasty cast. Finally, someone yelled."Molly?"
And I felt like I had been slapped in the face. "We just need to take her x rays" so Molly and I went to the x ray room. I layed her on the table while the nurse taped her short cinnamon little arm to some plastic tray. Molly was a champ!!!!! She did not make a peep, she was almost proud of her little arm she waves around. It sometimes moves faster than her other arm and it kills me! 
So they asked me to step around the other side of the door so they could take pics, once they were taken I looked at the screen and saw her two shorter bones, they were so adorable!!!! So small! We went back into the waiting room and waited to hear them say Molly's name again. They FINALLY DID! And we wet back to see Dr. Hutchinson! He was wonderful, he interacted with my girls and then got to business! 

He told us that Amniotic Band Syndrome was NOT what Molly has. That she had congenital...(i forget the words). Pretty much a birth defect that presents her arm from growing. Also that sometimes with this disease they will have a muscle that doesn't develop that connects your arm to your shoulder causing a deformed breast, but.... Phenomenally, her muscle is totally fine!!

He told us they used to recommend a prosthetic before they started crawling but they don't anymore because their brains at that point are already programmed to the shorter arm and the develop faster without the prosthetic! 

No surgery, no prosthetic (unless she wants one down the road. They used to recommend a prosthetic before they started crawling but they don't anymore because their brains at that point are already programmed to the shorter arm and they develop faster without the prosthetic! She will still crawl she will still put her clothes on she will be a normal kid!!! 

He was very good and very frank! Which I loved. He told us she would probably get teased but so would the little red head sitting next to her at school! We laughed! 

I'm so glad we got the news we did! We are so so blessed! And are so grateful for the prayers in Molly's behave! Thanks you everyone! We love you all!!! 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Wednesday was just another day pregnant for me. I woke up repeating in my mind..." I can't be pregnant forever, i can't be pregnant forever". Those last few days are the longest days sometimes. I had my friend Mandy C. Come over for a foot zone so i could possibly get things rolling. I had one a few days before but Mandy had explained to me that Molly just didn't seem ready. That she was possibly nervous about something and was not quite ready. I had decided that I would try positive affirmations she gave me. Along with that, a grocery shopping trip to wal-mart,bouncing on the exersize ball(got to be the funniest thing you'll see),some herbs,and a loooooooooooong walk/hike with Mandy P. I finally went into labor Thursday morning at 8:30. It was a long labor and all the details aren't important. Except for the fact that i had the most AMAZING Nurse. She helped me through everything. She was awesome. I labored for almost 9 hours and then it was time to push. I pushed a few times and finally this little dark headed baby was coming. First her head, everyone was oooing at how much hair she had, next i pushed for the body and nobody said a word. I heard Molly eek out an,"I'm alive MOMMY" sound so i knew she was living. I was watching the doc for any information, while Devin kissed me on the head and said,"babe you are amazing you did such a good job" How amazing of a husband do i have that he immediately started to comfort me. He was there the whole time! He was a champ that day. Finally the doctor said,"Elle, I don't want you to be alarmed" LONG PAUSE seemed like eternity, "but she is missing her right hand" his eyes were soft and i could feel something special. We all started to cry but that didn't last long. She was perfect. Even with her arm the way it is she was amazing, she was strong. She was finally HERE and that was all i could think about. They let me hold her for a few seconds and then took her to check everything else. It's always a good thing when they give you the baby to hold after they are born. Weighing 7lbs 14oz, 19.25in long. The perfect size. She barely cried. But just enough that i knew she was okay. My mommy instincts kicked in and all i wanted was to hold her. When she finally came back we studied her little arm learning every little dimple and every roll! Smiling and loving every inch of her. We decided that it looked like a cinnamon roll on the end. I couldn't help watch that little arm in action. We talked about all the amazing things she could do with her arm!! She was too much cuteness wrapped into that ugly hospital blanket we had to change it asap. I couldn't handle it.i love

 She has full function of her right arm. It moves just as normal as her other arm. Her arm extends about two inches past her elbow and it bends and twists just like the left arm does. Her ulna and radius are both there and fused together at the end. We honestly couldn't be given a better situation. After having Molly may here for a week we have decided to introduce her to the world! Molly was born without a right hand. She has Amniotic Band Syndrome. It is a condition where bands that hold the baby into place in the uterus get caught around limbs, heads, fingers, toes. And prevent them from growing. I don't recommend looking it up. But you can do what you want. Apparently this band wrapped around her arm. A lot of people are asking why they didn't see it in the ultra sound. We don't know? But when we went back and look this is what we saw. You tell us if we could have known, I think so.

 But the way it happened we couldn't be happier. It was definatley for the best. Had i known earlier i would have OVER prepared myself for it and i would have stewed over it and there would be NOTHING i could have done about it.We couldn't be happier to have her in our home happy and healthy! Other than her hand missing she is happy and healthy! We love her and can already tell she has the most special little spirit! We want to make sure that we are the best parents possible. But we are also so new to this type of trial. we don't know of anyone that was born with a missing hand.So this is as new to us as flying a hot air balloon.

 So far wee are doing pretty good, with occasional melt downs about how we are going to raise her and how we are going to handle certain situations. We really don't know how to deal with things until we have experienced it and can rule out how we don't want to handle the situation. There will be lots of rough days, lots of night trying to figure out the best way to deal the cards we'be been dealt. But we know with support and love we can make this little girl into the most amazing litte girl that she has in her. Life is tough! My aunt Janny said," some days you going to be mad, sad,or angry and some days your going to just want to cry. And that's ok! I think that was the best advice we could have received so far. Its ok as along as you learn from it and use it to make you a better person. If you are wondering what you can do for us. Please don't feel sorry for us. We have lots to learn and we know that we have this precious baby and are very lucky to have her healthy. But you can pray for Molly, pray for her to have strength to be brave! Pray for us to be good parents even tho we have no clue what we are doing in some ways. Feel free to ask questions share ideas and help us to know the best ways to raise this baby girl. She is such a blessing and she has already taught me so so so much. We also want to thank a bunch of people.

 Nazy- Thank you for coming and spending 5 days to help us get on our feet. Even though you had a large detor to get her we are glad you made it in time to spend this experience with us.

 Dale and ReNae- Thanks for driving out here for a couple of days to support Devin. He was so happy to have you here and was so happy to show you around. You guys are always so constant and we really appreicate your example.

 Mandy P.- You have been an amazing friend. i have learnd compasion from you and i don't know anyone who would drop everything just to sit on my couch and let me cry. You are the best friend i could have ever had through this. I don't think that i could have done or do it without you!!! And Thanks for the adorable pictures. Someday i'll return the favor.

Aubrey, Sami, Maggie- Thanks for coming out here to support us and see Molly. You three mean the world to me. I miss our times together and hope we can get them back someday!

 Dad- Thanks for driving Maggie out here to see Molly. I know it was a long day for you but i'm glad you came.

Mandy C.- You helped me put the end of my pregnancy into perspective and realize when she is ready she will come. I really needed that and I think with out you i would have been a nervous wreck!

 Roosevelt 4th ward- Thank you for the meals we really appreciate all the wonderful meals. I think we have eatn like kings this week. Loved every bite!!